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Are you looking to become a member of Seniors With Skills? We have 2 unique options to become a member. All funds collected directly support Seniors With Skills!

Volunteer Membership Service for retirement homes

We offer a membership service where we offer to help recruit volunteers for your retirement home to help run activities. Our dedicated and committed volunteers will come every week to run a program - we offer a full training guide on how to run our famous Cards and Knitting Program 


We have hundreds of dedicated volunteers who come in and run programs on their own. Our volunteers make long-term friendships with the seniors and genuinely enjoy helping out! More volunteers can help take some of the workload off activity directors, who often have their schedule packed every single day!​


How do we assure commitment? We have a thorough screening process including a police check, and full application form. 

Seniors With Skills Buddy System

Believe it or not, social isolation and loneliness are correlated with lack of mobility as well as poor medical health in senior citizens. Are you looking for a buddy for your family member at a retirement home? Become a member of our nonprofit, and let us find you your loved one someone to connect to!


How it works:


Once we receive your request, we use our large number of volunteer platforms to recruit the highest quality volunteers. Our recruiting process includes: a police check, interview and formal application form and successful completion of our training videos. We can confirm the match and upon your approval, we can set your loved one up with a “buddy”. The purpose of the relationship is to allow your family member to develop a meaningful friendship with a new and fresh face. It is a great opportunity to ensure they are feeling cared for and a great way for them to meet someone new! All proceeds will directly support Seniors With Skills Programs!

Choose your plan

  • Company Membership

    Our basic package allows you to recruit volunteers!
    Valid for 3 months
    • Recruit Volunteers for 3 month window
    • Use 2 major volunteer platforms to recruit volunteers
    • Screening Process: Police Check, online application
    • Mandatory Training Videos for volunteers to watch
    • Added to our "map" of retirement residences to volunteer
    • Guaranteed money back if volunteers are not recruited
  • Buddy Program Member

    Every month
    Let us find you your loved one someone to connect to!
    • Volunteer will visit 2-4 times per month
    • Ability to learn iPad/Computer Technology
    • Build a lasting friendship with their buddy
    • Support a nonprofit helping seniors in underserved areas
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